Green-Go Trucker: Cargo Theft

Matthew Gossett, author, and commentator, an expert in the world of truckers, invites you to enjoy his program, every Friday at 5:00 p.m., the truckers' happy hour

Green-go Trucker 22/09/2023 Redacción KVC Media
Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 4.57.14 PM

Attention truckers: this new episode of the show "Green-Go Trucker" focuses on the theft and vandalism that some drivers are suffering, among other interesting topics.

Matthew Gossett, author, and commentator, an expert in the world of truckers, invites you to enjoy his program, every Friday at 5:00 p.m., the truckers' happy hour. 

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Thank you, truck driver, for sharing all our content, and always stay safe on the road.

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